Global Game Jam 2017

TU Graz - HS i9 Inffeldgasse 13, Graz, Österreich

Want to get together with a bunch of creative and talented people and create an awesome game? Want to try out some new and whacky stuff and have a lot of fun?   Well then look no further! Come and join us at the annual global game jam hosted by Game Development Graz and Graz...


GameDevGraz meets IGDA DrinkUp

Blendend Mariahilferstraße 24, Graz, Österreich

Time for a drink! Get together with the rest of the gamedev community in Graz, and hear about the latest news in the industry. Facebook Event! :

Indie Game Meetup, March 2017

Rarebyte Office Graz Wickenburggasse 32, Graz, Steiermark, Österreich


SAGA Award Submission Deadline

SAGA Award (StyriAn Games Award) We're proud to announce that this year during Button Festival the first SAGA Awards sponsored by UBIT/WKO and Game Dev Graz will be awarded! Here's the details: ** Grand Prize powered by UBIT/WKO - € 1000 ** * Audience Choice Award * There will be five named finalists selected by an...

Indie Game Meetup, April 2017

TU Graz, Seminarraum IICM Inffeldgasse 16c, Graz, Steiermark, Österreich


Button Festival, May

Seifenfabrik Angergasse 41, Graz, Österreich

Button Festival May 19-20 + Talking Dev Event + SAGA Award