Summary of Notes of UXcamp at Barcamp Graz 2016
1) Session “Introduction to UX”
Session owner
Keith describes HE run on enigmail (Enigmail as safe mail alternative!)
Tipp for HE: always describe positive aspects as well
Record screen & session -> easier to make screenshots
10% of ressources on pilot; 90% on real
– intro of how to talk out loud
– certain tasks
– first most important question “HOW WAS IT?” -> mind dump right after the session!
Morae (very very good software – try out free trial)
Common infos / useful links
UX Day Graz
12 Nov 2016 FH Joanneum!!!!!!!!
Tool recommendations:
Screencapture Software:
recording screen, longer than just 10 minutes:
– Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 (30 days trial)
– ActivePresenter (free):
Introduction Round
Recommended book:
About face (Alan Cooper) 4th edition
Dont make me think (Steve Krug) 2nd edition (-> buy this your boss for xmas!)
Rocket Surgery Made Easy (Steve Krug)
2) Session “Usability-Tests mit dem TAM”
Session owner
TAM = Technology-Acceptance-Model
External Variables
Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Ease of Use
Attitude Toward Using
Behavioral Intention to Use
Actual System Use
3) Session “Chat Robots 101”
Session owner
A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.
Facebook Chatbots:
Botplatformen z.B. CNN -> User gibt Erlaubnis zur Interaktion
eig. Projekt, Bot VentureBeat
Artikel zu WeChat:
9.5. Veranstaltung: Vienna Bots Meetup
– game doublemoji
4) Session “Games User/Player Experience”
Session owner
Dani + Johanna
A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.
Dani von bongfish & Johanna von TU Graz
Good Game Experience: important is the WOW-Moment (strong emotions)
UX in Games is relevant, because users can easily switch to another game (compared to software that users must use)
Usability Heuristics for Video Game Design -> by Pinelle, D. (2008) – Details in the slides
Concept testing: ask user after test: how would you describe the game concept in 1 sentence? (compare it to the 1 sentence you have prepared)
Flow experience should be kept constant, if challenge is to high -> anxiety, if to low -> boredom
Präsentation des Spiels Summer Olymics 2016
Wireframe-Entwicklung & Prototypen
Live UX Testing des Prototypen
Bongfish sucht UX Mitarbeiter
5) Session Template “UX in der Industrie”
Session owner
User Experience im Backaging: Apple vs. Samsung vs. andere Marken
UX Wireframes: immer auf Papier als erstes
6) User Testing – Erfahrungen, Best Practices & Co
Session owner
Christian ‘Wörki’
– Yandex “Metrica” – spannend zur Analyse von Abbrüchen (weist aber Datenschutz-Probleme aus)
Probleme der Anwesenden:
Usability wird noch immer nicht als Mehrwert erkannt und es ist kein Budget in Projekten dafür vorhanden ist, obwohl es ein Abgrenzungsmerkmal zur Konkurrenz ist
Außerdem setzten sich oft Geschäftsleitung/PDMs durch, weil sie glauben, dass sie es besser wissen als die Usability Experten
Empfehlung: jemanden im Entwicklungsteam finden, der sich für UX begeistert. Idealerweise ins (Scrum-) Team als festes Teammitglied einbinden.
Darüberhinaus muss das ganze Team und die Vorgesetzten den Usability Gedanken verinnerlicht haben