UXCamp@Barcamp Graz 2016

Summary of Notes of UXcamp at Barcamp Graz 2016


1) Session “Introduction to UX”
Session owner
Keith describes HE run on enigmail (Enigmail as safe mail alternative!) 
Tipp for HE: always describe positive aspects as well 
Record screen & session -> easier to make screenshots
10% of ressources on pilot; 90% on real     
– intro of how to talk out loud 
– certain tasks 
– first most important question “HOW WAS IT?” -> mind dump right after the session! 
Morae (very very good software – try out free trial) 
Common infos / useful links
– UX-meeting / community in Graz: https://uxgraz.iicm.tugraz.at 
UX Day Graz
12 Nov 2016 FH Joanneum!!!!!!!!
Tool recommendations: 
Screencapture Software:
    recording screen, longer than just 10 minutes:
    – Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 (30 days trial) 
Introduction Round
Recommended book: 
    About face (Alan Cooper) 4th edition 
    Dont make me think (Steve Krug) 2nd edition (-> buy this your boss for xmas!)
    Rocket Surgery Made Easy (Steve Krug)
2) Session “Usability-Tests mit dem TAM”
Session owner
TAM = Technology-Acceptance-Model 
External Variables
Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Ease of Use
Attitude Toward Using
Behavioral Intention to Use
Actual System Use
3) Session “Chat Robots 101”
Session owner
A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.
Botplatformen z.B. CNN -> User gibt Erlaubnis zur Interaktion
eig. Projekt, Bot VentureBeat
Artikel zu WeChat:
    9.5. Veranstaltung: Vienna Bots Meetup
– game doublemoji 
Watson for president:: http://watson2016.com/ 
4) Session “Games User/Player Experience”
Session owner
Dani + Johanna
A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.
Dani von bongfish & Johanna von TU Graz
Good Game Experience: important is the WOW-Moment (strong emotions)
UX in Games is relevant, because users can easily switch to another game (compared to software that users must use)
Usability Heuristics for Video Game Design -> by Pinelle, D. (2008) – Details in the slides
Concept testing: ask user after test: how would you describe the game concept in 1 sentence? (compare it to the 1 sentence you have prepared)
Flow experience should be kept constant, if challenge is to high -> anxiety, if to low -> boredom
    Präsentation des Spiels Summer Olymics 2016
    Wireframe-Entwicklung & Prototypen
    Live UX Testing des Prototypen
    Bongfish sucht UX Mitarbeiter
5) Session Template “UX in der Industrie”
Session owner
User Experience im Backaging: Apple vs. Samsung vs. andere Marken
UX Wireframes: immer auf Papier als erstes
6) User Testing – Erfahrungen, Best Practices & Co
Session owner
Christian ‘Wörki’ 
– Yandex “Metrica” – spannend zur Analyse von Abbrüchen (weist aber Datenschutz-Probleme aus)
Probleme der Anwesenden:
Usability wird noch immer nicht als Mehrwert erkannt und es ist  kein Budget in Projekten dafür vorhanden ist, obwohl es ein Abgrenzungsmerkmal zur Konkurrenz ist
Außerdem setzten sich oft Geschäftsleitung/PDMs durch, weil sie glauben, dass sie es besser wissen als die Usability Experten 
Empfehlung: jemanden im Entwicklungsteam finden, der sich für UX begeistert. Idealerweise ins (Scrum-) Team als festes Teammitglied einbinden. 
Darüberhinaus muss das ganze Team und die Vorgesetzten den Usability Gedanken verinnerlicht haben